Frequently asked questions

Guaranteed fix of any bugs or issues that are identified, 99% site uptime, 6hr response time to any and all messages. Unlimited edits to your content and basic modifications to the design. Includes monthly maintenance work to keep the site running smoothly.I'm also available as a consultant to suggest solutions to your ongoing problems (such as automating repetitive tasks), and helping you scale the site over time.

I offer a CMS package which can be added on after your initial 6 month term for a one off fee of $750. This will reduce the monthly fee to $120 for hosting, maintenance and 1 hour of support. A CMS is a content management system that lets you modify your content on your own. A training session with me is included for you to learn the basics of using the CMS.

Yes, after the minimum 6 month term you can cancel the plan at any time. After cancellation I will start taking the site down gracefully, allowing you to export any content if you wish to do so. You own your content and domain name, while the code remains my property.

Generally all features (work that adds new functionality that didn't exist before) are billable work that I can quote you for. An example of a billable feature would be a mailing list or a blog. Definitely get in touch if you need to build upon your site and we can work something out.

My phone number is 0433315519 and my email is I will do my best to make myself available for calls and in person visits if required, and all correspondence will be addressed on the same day.

If you don't anticipate that you'll need much support and want to pay upfront to lower your monthly costs, that can be arranged. Lump sum costing starts at $3,500 (half upfront, half upon completion of the site) and $50/monthly for hosting and maintenance. Support is available on demand at $120/hr.

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